Hi, I’m Logan!
Despite being a young professional, my journey through online business has been a long one (I cleared my 10,000 hours a while ago!). Way back in middle school, I fell in love with concerts — the kind that you go to where the whole audience knows every word to every song and everybody is singing at the top of their lungs.
Through my church, I started playing music regularly on stage twice each week, and made a realization — I needed to start my own band.
Fast forward to 2012. I found myself a music business major (with a band!) in college with one task ahead of me: release a record. So I did just that — I produced and released an album with this band, and it was oh so much fun.
We had the artwork designed, got the CDs printed, and put it up on iTunes. There was just one problem…
No one bought it.
I came to a startling realization: just because you make it, just because you put it out there, and just because you love it, doesn’t mean others will be able to find it.
And that became my great quest: how do you get people to find you and what you’re passionate about?
I did something a little bit crazy for a college kid… I took out my wallet and bought an online marketing course. I was skeptical at first but, I tried really hard to put into practice what the course was teaching and… it worked!
Instead of seeing dozens of dollars, I was seeing thousands of dollars from music sales. Instead of having no one who knew about me or cared about what I was doing, I connected with fans and generated an email list of over 7,000 people!
This was my breakthrough.
I soon discovered Facebook advertising, and after college, I got a job as a digital advertising specialist with a marketing agency. During my time there, I spent over $400,000 in ad spend for clients.
I then discovered affiliate marketing, and had my first breakthrough with an affiliate launch and I made over $4,000 within 48 hours!
Shortly thereafter, I moved to Nashville and landed my dream job as the VP of Marketing for a Grammy winning songwriting and production company called Full Circle Music. And don’t worry, I have some brand new music of my own releasing soon. 🙂
Since then, I’ve received so many requests for help with marketing and online business, that I knew I had to start a company that would serve as a resource to those who want to make their presence known on the web and hopefully make some income while doing it.
So, I present to you Sell Your Journey, my new internet home where I will be revealing to the best of my ability the most important lessons I have learned over my 10,000+ hours as an online marketing expert.
If any of this resonates with you, I’m glad because, I’m not on this new journey for my sake… I’m here to help develop your journey! My greatest success is watching you succeed.
Consider yourself the hero, and I’ll hang out here, as you’re guide along this journey that you’re on.
Ready to get started? If you made it this far, you probably are! Click here to go to my “getting started” page.
I’m so glad that you found your way to Sell Your Journey, and I can’t wait to see what your journey holds for you!
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